Sunday, December 9, 2007

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas here. Picture was taken out my back door, the flakes were so big..and it was startling that it was so quiet. I don't live far from the freeway and most times you can hear the hum of the traffic.

We got snow again today but it warmed up around noon and melted the new white blanket without hesitation. Transplanted here from Wyoming 20 years ago, snow was not a common thing. Once every two or three years and it was welcomed despite the chaos it created. We are surrounded by mountains east and west and to tell the truth that is where, in my opinion, the snow should stay!.. I moved AWAY from that. This year we have had two big snows and it is only the middle of December..January and February are the months that we should expect snow. Now we were in a state of emergency due to the rains that flooded so much south of Seattle. It flooded so bad that both directions of the interstate were closed for days. The truckers, well nobody, had direct access between Portland and Seattle, a 450 mile detour was their only option beyond waiting it out. It is much comfort to know that our highest elected official continues to assure the citizens of the United States that global warming is not an issue and we must not concern ourselves when the weather becomes and stays outrageous. I hope his "Little White House in Texas" is far far inland and safe from those much exaggerated rising water levels. That is another rant.

Happy shopping,

1 comment:

Gardenia said...

Pretty! I do wish we could have one snow down here. The last time we did "C" was little boy - he cried - scared the whoodah out of him.

Well said. Discovery Channel just said the artic sea's ice was about all melted. So scary.

It's been almost 80 down here for days. We will have a few cooler days starting tomorrow.

Dinners has a new blog - I will have to fix the link on yours as soon as I find where I wrote down your password.

Hope you don't have a big snowy winter - I can't imagine how scary that is in such a humid climate - ice from dampness on roads then snow - yikes!