Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ho Ho HO!! It is a test!!

Can you guess which one is my grandchild????

A trip to the mall, Nonnie and Bubba do the traditional thing and go visit Santa.

What fun!


Gardenia said...

Oh, these are so cute - and your little guy looks like our "S" in that photo!!! He is sooooooooooo cute! And that smile, he's having a ball!


The one with the beard?

(I ducked so you missed me!) ;)

Have a great Christmas babe.

Love n hugs x

Gardenia said...

I still have to get dinners back on your blog - will have time to search for your password sooner or later - oh have had a super cold. Whisshkkk, snuff. Merry merry Christmas - your card came - you always find the neatest ones - I have some old ones sitting in the study floor - and guess what, I haven't sent any. So here's a bloggy Christmas. Sounds like it will be quiet, might have to skip Mobile because dont' want to make them sick - will try to call you.