Saturday, February 9, 2008

Gift from our Government

Our Rebate checks according to officio's, should begin arriving sometime in May.

This is going to save the United States of America from a recession.

We will gleefully clutch our rebate checks and with rosy cheeks and breathless excitement will run to the local Walmart and buy items from China. Duh.

Or like the vast majority of us"middle incom-ers" hahahahah sorry, let me compose my silly self..we will bend to more extravagant pleasures like paying the overdue payment on a credit card, or the late electric bill or even go to the grocery and splurge not on macaroni and cheese but HAMBURGER!

Fast forward to April 15 2009. Income taxes must be filed or in the mail, and guess what? That $600 or $1200 check you got last year..yup...please subtract if from any refund you might be getting. See it is not a GIFT from the is a LOAN, of our own money that the government gave us to keep us out of a recession so that we could go out and buy American products from small mom and pop businesses that are about to close so that we can pay it back next year to ourselves no uh the government uh but it is our money uh but it is a rebate uh..oh hell...I am going to buy a bottle of wine (French) and have a bag of popcorn (American) and ..............think of another rant.


Gardenia said...

Yabbuh. Hmmm, I haven't got my refund yet. Now wheeeeeeere do you suppose it could be?

Did you know that they almost got an extra $2,000 from us "middle class" taxpayers, something they put into effect about 10 years ago (sneaky snakey, huh?), forgetting to take account for our over the top inflation, but they "postponed" taking this until next year. So how much do you suppose we will owe next year?

Yes, let's celebrate by going out and putting these rebates back into China's economy! Wheeeee

Great Rant. One of my favorite subjects.

Gardenia said...

That is next to giving my social security taxes I paid to illegal aliens.


Only thing our government ever loaned us was a pain in the arse by the name of Brown.

Still, on the bright side, there are so many guns in this country now it can only be a matter of time before I accidently come across one so I can really shoot the bastards.

Gardenia said...

Happy Bowelentines Day, Splisty.