Thursday, March 6, 2008

International Women's Day

Has it really been that long since I posted anything?? Saying I have been busy is just an excuse.

Dealing with a health issue, work, a 20 year old son, trying to fit in time for the grandson, living in a plastic wrapped house, chunks of sheet rock laying on the floor and six inches of dirt and dust on everything....

My life is in disarray. I can't go out on my deck and enjoy a glass of wine and watch the sun set, my deck is gone.

I am happy that I am no longer taking Methotrexate and have abandoned Prednisone.

Maybe my hair will grow back and I won't look like Humpty Dumpty when I go to Casper in July.

My mother still isn't speaking to me.

Sisty is looking beautiful and getting healthy. For once in her life she is taking care of herself! Yay!!! Thank heaven she is blogging again. No comfort in the fact that her life is so disheveled and she is in her winter of discontent. I have been there for a while, it is time to leave.

Daylight savings comes this Saturday, more daylight will be a welcome change..wish they would leave it there. Wasn't it all about the energy savings back when the fuel/energy prices skyrocketed? In the 70's. Foggy times.
$3.56 a gallon for gas here in the PacNW and it is still going. Same for a gallon of milk.


Gardenia said...

Ah, I am welcoming your new post like the first bloom of the sun-lit day lilies.....

I'm so sorry about your living quarters being so torn up - I remember when screwball landlords tore out all the windows and left my place open to the awfullest dirt storm . . . . not only is it too much work when you don't feel good, it is an invasion of your privacy.

A horrible thought crossed my mind, when George is put down will it be all our faults for "abusing" him....poor thing so inbred he should have been put down at birth...and the breeder put in jail.

Well, that part of life (silent m.) is better than the opposite, yes?


Do we get an international mens day? If so how do we spend it?

I know!!! A 24 hour pub crawl with a minimum of 3 vodkas per pub.

Hope yer house is fixed soon so yer can have yer glass of wine on the porch


Bloody long day this is. Must be 'cause women have to chat about it over the phone eh? ;-)

Gardenia said...

Laughing, what would we do w/o 4D's humor?

Hope you are feeling better - I had a week of burning bones - weird.

I will email you - curious to see if you are living in a place with walls and no wind whistling through said place.

And if you had a good Easter - I didn't get a chance to celebrate International Women's Day - I forgot - the press kept it so quiet.....???

Gardenia said...

Oi, how long is this International Women's Day going to last? I have all my work done (not really), does that have anything to do with it?

Gardenia said...

Sisty - you libe up there?

DILLIGAF said...

it'll be bleedin' international womens year at this rate ;-)

Gardenia said...

You recovered from DST yet? We have - sorta. Write - call - anytime -

Gardenia said...

Sis, you have such marvelous talents in writing and humor and seeing life. I wants a post from you. I do.

The Preacherman said...

an' me