Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bridge Less Traveled

I don't recall ever discussing ( and we have discussed ALOT!) my fear of bridges with my sister. It is one of three recurring dreams that I have been plagued with off and on for decades.

My x decided we needed to go to Galveston for the weekend. We had been on "vacation" in Louisiana visiting his parents. My portion of the visit included cleaning out a chest type freezer that was the size of the USS Abraham Lincoln and removing from a tiled shower stall 31 years of mold, mildew and other things that would make a rat run.

I am sure that the fact that I was a prairie gal from Whyomin' and deathly afraid of bridges just slipped his mind. I watched this structure loom in the distance...creeping slowly closer. Within a heartbeat we were chugging the rented Gutless Ford Wonder up up up...I was gripping the seat with my left hand and my toes were making dents in the floorboard of that tinny little can. Soon I was hyperventilating and chewing on the dashboard. That action was broken up with short little "oh" oh" "uuuhhh" .."eeeiihh"'s.
I opened my eyes long enough to see a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and his jugular vein.
Fortunately for him we crested the brute and the little tin can went faster on the backside. Before we got completely off the bridge my door flew open and I spilled out onto a 135 degree concrete curb. I was gasping for air, my hair was soaked with sweat and I was rudely informed that he was NOT under any circumstances going to park in a no parking zone while I pried my tongue off the roof of my mouth.
So it went.
Our conversations were clippy thereafter.
Our trip back to Louseyana involved a different bridge and luckily I was prepared with the comforting shroud of darkness
a paper bag
I believe he wanted me to put it over my head.


Gardenia said...

Those structures look worse than NOLA's in a way because they so high up there! I would've been snorting carpet fibers too -

Remember first time go across bridge here - "J" & I be crying, "H" be driving and laughing, said we'd have to do it sometime.

Did we marry twin sadists?

Vicki said...

Now I live in Washington and this state has it's share of bridges, too. However they aren't the high, curvey coming down swoopie kind that frighten me. It took me about four years to become used to crossing some of the less scary ones.
then there are escalators...
heeeh,heeh,ungh ungh eeeeeeiiiieekkkkssss!

Gardenia said...

LOL, I remember you walking up the stairs at the airport while I did the lazy thing - did you get your foot caught in one when little - or did mudder drag you up one when you were too scared to go?


Caz hates bridges too - makes me drive in the middle lane so she can't see the edge.

Gardenia said...

Hope yur having a good weekend -